
Steel Dagger (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 17 inches (From pommel to tip of the blade)
Weight: 1 lb
Description: The dagger is an easy to use weapon that requires little formal training. Those who are skilled may use this small, quick weapon to the best of its ability. It had a good cutting edge, and can be easily concealed.


Stat Bonus
Dexterity 3
Strength 2

Steel Shortsword (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 25 inches (from pommel to tip of blade)
Weight: 2 lbs
Description: A popular sidearm, often paired with shields. While it’s short range isn’t optimal, it makes this blade light and easy to use. It has a good cutting edge and is often worn at the side of the hip.


Stat Bonus
Dexterity 2
Strength 3

Steel Longsword (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 47 inches (from pommel to tip of blade)
Weight: 2.5 lbs
Description: A popular sidearm often paired with a shield, the longsword gives the most reach of swords that can be paired with a shield and it is the most widely used on the battlefield. It is also common to see longswords without a shield used in one on one duels. It takes a trained arm to use properly, but you can always count on the strength of this classic blade. It has a good cutting edge and is usually worn at the side of the hip.


Stat Bonus
Endurance 2
Strength 3

Steel Zweihander (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 85 inches (from pommel to tip of blade)
Weight: 6 lbs
REQUIREMENT: Strength MUST BE 6 or above
Description: The Zweihander is a main hand weapon that holds a good heft to it. It is best wielded with two hands for maximum control, for trying to use one hand would too cumbersome for battle. Using a weapon such as this requires not only strength but good wrist control. It has the most reach of any other sword. It has a good cutting edge, and is most often carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Endurance 2
Strength 4

Steel Spear (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 4 feet/48 inches
Weight: 3 lbs
Description: A main hand weapon that is often paired with a shield and perhaps a sidearm such as a sword, the spear is capable of reaching distances that a sword cannot - in most cases outclassing them. The shear reach of a spear gives it a great strength that many one handed weapons are unable to boast. A spear can be wielded with one hand, but also can be used with two hands for greater control. It has a good cutting edge and is most often carried into battle on hand.


Stat Bonus
Endurance 3
Strength 2

Steel Pike (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 10 feet/120 inches
Weight: 7 lbs
REQUIREMENT: Strength MUST BE at least 6.
Description: A main hand weapon that boasts incredible reach, the pike is even able to outclass a Zweihander in reach and thus has a great advantage in battle against many one-handed bladed weapons. This pike must be wielded with two hands for maximum control to make battle with it possible at all. It has a good cutting edge and is always carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Endurance 3
Strength 3

Steel Battle Axe (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 24 inches (from tip of handle to tip of blade)
Weight: 2 lbs
Description: This handy battle axe is a main hand weapon often paired with a shield, or even used on it’s lonesome (though you’re probably going to want that shield). It is not made to be thrown (so, not a throwing axe) and thus requires a less precise touch when it comes to striking enemies. A blow from a battle axe applies a large amount of force and could severely hurt someone with or without armor. It has a good cutting edge and is often carried into battle on hand.


Stat Bonus
Dexterity 2
Strength 3

Steel Greataxe (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 70 inches
Weight: 6 lbs
REQUIREMENT: Strength MUST BE at least 6.
Description: This massive weapon is a terrifying force in the hands of the right person. Much like the smaller battle axe, the greataxe has tremendous force behind each strike which can cause massive damage to an opponent who is even wearing armor. The heavier weight of the greataxe means that the force behind each blow is even stronger, and while you lose the capability of using a shield alongside it - it will strike fear into the hearts of all who see it and could easily sever a limb in one blow. It has a good cutting edge and is carried into battle on hand.


Stat Bonus
Strength 5

Steel Halberd (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 10 feet/120 inches
Weight: 7 lbs
REQUIREMENT: Strength MUST BE at least 6.
Description: Imagine a pike and a battle axe mashed together into one monster of a weapon - you might not want to tango with that thing! The halberd is ready to make shields irrelevant and with it’s great reach and cleaving axe head armored opponents will have a nightmarish time against such a versatile weapon. While it is wielded with two hands, the weapon is often paired with a sidearm such as a dagger or a short sword, because it is not a very good close combat weapon. It has great reach, but it is unwieldy in close quarters. It has a good cutting edge and is always carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Endurance 2
Strength 4

Steel Mace (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 26 inches
Weight: 2 lbs
Description: A brutal blunt force weapon that delivers forceful blows to opponents no matter how well armed. It is well paired with a shield, and can often make the armor and shield of an opponent obsolete as it’s crushing impact will heavily batter any armor on the receiving end of its swings. It is often carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Strength 4

Steel Greatmace (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 60 inches
Weight: 4lbs
REQUIREMENT: Strength MUST BE at least 5.
Description: The Greatmace has the disadvantage of lacking a shield, but the advantage of having a much better reach than it’s shorter variant. At its full range, this weapon will easily defeat the longsword but it is often wielded with two hands spread apart. One could bring their hands together to get the most of this weapon’s range. It may lose to polearms, but one heavy blow is sure to leave anyone with a serious injury. It is often carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Strength 5

Steel Warhammer (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 24 inches
Weight: 2 lbs
Description: A blunt force weapon much like the mace, it has a distinct crushing blow that beats most shields and batters most armor. Unlike the mace, however, the warhammer has spikes on its other ends, make it more versatile than the mace. These spikes give the warhammer the ability to thrust at the opponent as well as swing the blunt side. The spikes have a sharp point, and it is often carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Strength 3

Steel Greathammer (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 60 inches
Width: 4 lbs
REQUIREMENT: Strength MUST BE at least 5
Description: The spikes on the end of this greathammer make it a weapon no one wants to cross any day of the week. It has a much longer reach than it’s shorter counterpart, and no one wants to take a hunk of solid steel to the head. It is often carried on hand into battle.


Stat Bonus
Endurance 2
Strength 4

Steel Throwing Knives (Steel Weapons)

No Parent.
No Children.

Length: 12 inches
Weight: 0.5lbs
REQUIREMENT: Dexterity MUST BE at least 4.
Range: 150 feet (Trained Effective Maximum)
Description: Throwing Knives are easily concealed, versatile and effective. The throwing knife is small and light, making it easy to throw - but one must have a good eye and good form to hit the mark. It is because they are so inconspicuous (until thrown, that is) and quick that Oren is careful to only sell these ranged weapons to the most trustworthy and skilled of townspeople. 

Throwing Knives are sold in a pack of 5 each for the same price as a Dagger. The throwing knives are only officially “consumed” when used in an Expedition or of willful volition of the Owner through plot (losing, using, breaking, etc.).


Stat Bonus
Dexterity 3
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