
Striped Flowing Tail

Striped Flowing Tail (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Striped Flowing Tail
Release: April 9th, 2019
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Get a special message from SnowyFool giving you permission to apply!
Description: Do you have to brush your tail?
Application: Give your character a long, slim tail, along with long, silky hair on their tail! This tail tip MUST be striped and have at least 3 different colors in it. Cannot be any longer than shown in the example image. The tail tip should start about halfway up the tail. Base color for the tail tip must be a color from your finley's pallet (excluding eyes, mouth, pawpads and mana organgs!). Stripes can either be the lightest and darkest colors on your character, or can be two entirely new colors! If you choose to add new colors, this color cannot be moved around using any marking mover upgrades, and cannot be pure black or pure white.

Striped Back Mane

Striped Back Mane (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Striped Back Mane
Release: April 9th, 2019
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Get a
special message from SnowyFool giving you permission to apply!
Description: So its true that eating lots of veggies puts hair on your back?
Application: Give your character a line of silky hair down their spine! This mane MUST be striped and have at least 3 different colors in it. Cannot be any longer than shown in the example image. The mane starts at the top of the neck to the base of the tail. Base color for the mane must be a color from your finley's pallet (excluding eyes, mouth, pawpads and mana organs!). Stripes can either be the lightest and darkest colors on your character, or can be two entirely new colors! If you choose to add new colors, this color cannot be moved around using any marking mover upgrades, and cannot be pure black or pure white.

Feud Ears

Feud Ears (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Feud Ears
Release: April 9th, 2019
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Get a
special message from SnowyFool giving you permission to apply!
Description: Oh, those are natural? I thought they were battle scars!
Application: Your characters ears split at the end in two sharp spikes! One of the spikes must be longer than the other. 

Mark of the Moonhewer

Mark of the Moonhewer (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Mark of the Moonhewer
Release: April 9th, 2019
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Get a special message from hatoCAFE giving you permission to apply!
Description: Einris Moonhewer is not dead.
Application: Apply a singular dark, black-appearing crescent moon shape anywhere on the character. This marking may not be pure black, and the color chosen may not be mixed or used for any other upgrades. The crescent must always be facing up, and may be no bigger than shown in the example.

Eridium Ink

Eridium Ink (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Eridium Ink
Release: May 13th, 2019
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Female Character
• Get a special message from hatoCAFE giving you permission to apply!
Description: Your markings are hypnotizing! They're almost.. sirenian...
Application: Apply swirly light blue markings to the left side of your finley from the neck down to the feet with few or no sizeable gaps left between them. The markings consist of loops, thick wavy stripes, and spots that are tightly-wound around each other. Small markings may also be applied to the face, but not to the extent of the body. The colors can range from light (cyan) blue to whitish-blue regardless of alignment, but the color may not be mixed or used for any other upgrades on the finley. Any markings besides MYO markings underneath where this marking is applied are removed regardless of rarity. All applications of Eridium Ink are required to have an exclamation point-like marking with two lines wrapping around the top in the upper middle of the chest, as shown in the example.

Sengo Claws

Sengo Claws (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Sengo Claws
Release: July 27th, 2019
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Get a 
special message from SnowyFool giving you permission to apply!
Description: Scythes for hands?
Application: Your character's hands are now sporting 2 large, sharp claws, and one slightly shorter claw on the thumb! When applying, the claws should be close to the same size as shown in the image. Coarse, spiky fur separates the claws from the arm, the fur can start anywhere between the elbow to the wrist. The darker part in the example image can be any color on your character's body, excluding eyes/mouth! Claws can be dark gray, or any color on your character. The paw pads must remain the same color as they were before the upgrade was applied. This upgrade gives your character thumbs, whether they already have the thumbs upgrade or not. 

Double Aether Ears

Double Aether Ears (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Double Aether Ears
Release: ---
Type: Radiant
• Level 0
• Get a special message from KAYREDUUU giving you permission to apply!
Description: Double aether trouble!
Application: This gives your character 2 sets of wings on their character's head, wings on the top with smaller wings attached to the base of the bigger wings. Both wings must be connected like above and may be either webbed or feathered. Feathered wings can be up to 3 colors of your choosing from your nyulop/draken's palette, while webbed wings you can choose 2 colors.

Butterfly Brooches

Butterfly Brooches (Other)

Category: Retired AP

Name: Butterfly Brooches
Type: Radiant
•Level 0
•Get a special message from KAYREDUUU giving you permission to apply!
Application: These beautiful butterflies made of thin, flexible cartilage grow on your characters' body. There can be up to 3 of them and they can sprout on the wrists and chest. In the center of each butterfly is a tiny crystal that can be any color that follows the color rule, the wings and inner part of the butterflies may be any color on your character's body, the antennae must be a darker shade to the outer wing color. Butterflies (if multiples) must be uniform with the same colors. Click the picture for better detail.

Makabà Fin

Makabà Fin (Standard)

Species: Draken
Level: 13

Name: Makabà Fin
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 13
Description: Dive into the open blue!
Application: Your Draken gains fins on the sides of the body similar to a Makaba's. Any markings will wrap around the fins.

Artist's Tail

Artist's Tail (Standard)

Name: Artist's Tail
Release: October 15th, 2020
Type: Class Exclusive
• Complete one of Atlas's Wash Classes
Description: Someone put a wet paint sign on that thing!
Application: Your tail grows out to a long, slender shape, with a fat round paintbrush tip at the end. The tip is constantly loaded with some kind of paint (that actually works!). It can be any color, minding the color rules, or can have a wash used on it! It will only be able to paint with the washes color, however, and not actually affect any upgrades or markings.

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