
Ancestor Arms

Ancestor Arms (Standard)

Category: Limbs AP
Species: Draken
Level: 15

Name: Ancestor Arms
Release: June 1st, 2021
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Are you trying to become a Csirkatrice?
Application: Your character acquires feathery arms as shown on the image above. The length of the claws is customizable, but cannot be longer than the example above. The markings that were present on the arms before remain.

Elemental Orbs

Elemental Orbs (BEU)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Draken

Name: Elemental Orbs
Release: April 1st, 2020
Type: Breeding
• Roll a choice of a breeding upgrade during breeding.
Description: So much power in those orbs...
Application: Your Draken's tail becomes long and thin and has two translucent orbs at the end. The orbs may be any color except pure black or pure white. Your choice of element is what element your draken is and examples can be seen by clicking here.

Twilight Tail

Twilight Tail (BEU)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop

Name: Twilight Tail
Release: April 1st, 2020
Type: Breeding
• Roll a choice of a breeding upgrade during breeding.
Description: The glow of the moon has touched you...
Application: Your Nyulop's tail becomes slender and two pronged, as shown above. The bands on the tail must sit in the middle of the two tail tips, as the example shows, and can be any color except pure black or pure white. The glow of the tail can be controlled.

Sprout Tail

Sprout Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Astralit
Level: 4

Name: Sprout Tail
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 4
Description: Little nubbin tail.
Application: Your Astralit gets their first tail! It should be a simple, short, nub tail, and can be with or without fluff on the bottom. It should be no longer than shown in the image above.

Minkin Tail

Minkin Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Level: 8

Name: Minkin Tail
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 8
Description: Spikey and slappy
Application: Your character's tail resembles a Minkin's tail, the plating on top can either be a darker color of your character's base color or any color found on your character's pelt.

Squoon Tail

Squoon Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 15

Name: Squoon Tail
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 15
Description: Bet you got a few trinkets hiding in there
Application: You character's tail extends out to resemble a Squoon's tail. There must be five(5) sketchy looking bands on the tail that can be any color currently on your character's pelt.

Bamboo Eater's Tail

Bamboo Eater's Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 20

Name: Bamboo Eater's Tail
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 20
• Draw your character eating some vegetation
Description: IT'S SO FLUFFY!
Application: Your character's tail becomes big, long and soft just like the example above. Any marking will wrap around to match the new shape. The example shows max length of the tail, and it can be made shorter.

Taddler Tail

Taddler Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Draken
Level: 15

Name: Taddler Tail
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 15
Description: Definitely sluggy but not sticky!
Application: Your character's tail becomes chunky like the one shown above. Markings warp to fit the shape and anything that grew along the top of the tail before stops at the base of the tail. The fin on the back may be any color. This tail may not have tailtips.

Bunny Tail

Bunny Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 9

Name: Bunny Tail
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 9
Description: What an adorable little tail! Looks like it's made of cotton!
Application: Shrink down your Nyulop's tail into this tiny little more rabbit accurately sized tail! All preexisting markings on your tail will shrink to fit the new shape.

Akita Curl

Akita Curl (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 11

Name: Akita Curl
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 11
Description: Woof woof! That tail's the cat's meow--erm, I mean...the dog's bark?
Application: Grow out a tail that curls over onto itself. It should remain bushy! All preexisting markings on your tail will resize to fit the new shape.


Tailwind (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 11

Name: Tailwind
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 11
Description: Tired of fur? Want something more manageable than a massive puff of fuzz? Try feathers™.
Application: Entirely replace your once bushy tail with some striking feathers! They must be the base colour of your Nyulop or inherit whatever markings were on the tail of your Nyulop! This upgrade cannot be combined with other tail types and must be about the same size as the example image.

Unicorn Tail

Unicorn Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 10

Name: Unicorn Tail
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Draw your character helping Hyndrel with something around town. Be creative!
Description: Does that thing sweep the ground as you walk?
Application: Grow out a long and slender tail. It should be tufted at the end with long, silky fur. The tip of the tail can be a different colour than the rest of it. This colour can be any currently found on your Nyulop's pelt.

Bushy Tail

Bushy Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 15

Name: Bushy Tail
Release: December 1st, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your Nyulop getting excited over something! What is it?
Description: Who's a happy Nyulop with a fluffy tail? You are! You are!
Application: You may grow out your Nyulop's tail to match the size and shape shown above. All colors and markings should remain the same as they were on the previous tail type.

Slender Tail

Slender Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 15

Name: Slender Tail
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your Nyulop taking a quick cat nap.
Description: Better hope no one steps on your tail now!
Application: Grow your Nyulop's tail out to look as it does in the example. It should retain all the base and marking colours that existed on the original/previous tail.

Long Feathered Tail

Long Feathered Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 12

Name: Long Feathered Tail
Release: January 4th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 12
Description: Mind dusting my house with that thing?
Application: Grow out a long and slender tail. It should be feathered at the end, resembling the example image. The feathers on the tip of the tail can be a different color than the rest of the tail, and can be any color you want excluding the eyes/whiskers/inner ear/paw pad colors.

Teddy Bear Tail

Teddy Bear Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 13

Name: Teddy Bear Tail
Release: January 4th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 13
Description: You look extra cuddly, now!
Application: Give your Nyulop a smooth, round tail. All preexisting markings on your tail will resize to fit the new shape.

Hairless Tail

Hairless Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop (Dwarf subtype)
Level: 9

Name: Hairless Tail
Release: July 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 9
• Be a Dwarf Nyulop (not compatible with Standard Nyulop)
Description: I heard hairless is all the rage!
Application: Your Nyulop's tail is now longer, and lacks any hair! It must stay about the same length as shown in the example image. The tail can be the color of the mouth, paw pads, inner ear, or any color on your Nyulop's pelt.

Devil Tail

Devil Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 15

Name: Devil Tail
Release: April 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Let the contract be bond!
Application: Your Nyulop's tail grows longer, with a barbed tip at the end! The tail should be no longer than the example image, and all tail markings should warp to fit the new shape.

Peacock Tail

Peacock Tail (Standard)

Category: Tails AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 20

Name: Peacock Tail
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 20
• Tailwind Upgrade
Description: You don't feel fancy enough? Here's the solution!
Application: Let the feathers grow! They must be the base colour of your Nyulop or inherit whatever markings were on the tail of your Nyulop. This upgrade cannot be combined with other tail types and must be about the same size as the example image. The darker spots are optional and can be any colour currently on you Nyulop's body.

490 results found.