
Star Gazers

Star Gazers (Early Bird)

Category: Early Bird AP
Species: Astralit

Name: Star Gazers
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Early Bird
• Participate in Starsail 2022
Description: You stared too long at the sky, huh?
Application: The Starry sky seen in the eyes of your character must be like one of the examples in the swatch. This AP cannot be applied to Draken or Nyulop in anyway.

Star Gaze

Star Gaze (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Star Gaze
Release: June 1st, 2021
Type: Limited
• Level 0
• Silver Chest from Starsail 2021
Description: Looks like someone’s been looking at the stars for too long.
Application: You may change the shape of you character’s pupils to resemble the shape above. The pupil may remain black.

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