
Party Paper Fur

Party Paper Fur (Other)

Category: Body AP
Category: Body AP

Name: Party Paper Fur
Release: March 23rd, 2024
Type: Other AP
• Be your Birthday!
Description: Fashionably Crispy!
Application: Turn your characters neck fluff, tail, or other fur altering upgrade of choice into crinkly party paper! The paper can either be rainbow colored (pastel, standard, or neon), or a solid color of your choice, and each one must be a solid color. The colors picked may not be color picked from/color mixed anywhere else on your character and mist abide by the color rules (no pure white or pure black). You may choose one area to be affected by this upgrade, or apply it to all of the furred areas on your character.
Party Paper tail does not affect any hair upgrades, or hoof fur upgrades.

This upgrade may be applied once a year to any character you wish!

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