
Heart Markings

Heart Markings (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Heart Markings
Release: March 3rd, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Completion of Entry 1 (one) in the Heartsgiving event
Description: What a unique marking to have! Is it different from other markings in some way? Sure feels like it...
Application: You may apply this upgrade to your finley. You may give them 1-3 (one to three) heart shaped markings. These markings may be any shade of red or pink OR any colour currently on your finley. These markings are unique! Unlike other heart-shaped markings, those earned on Heartsgiving provide one the ability to comfort others while embracing them. The hearts provide a warm and soothing feeling through physical contact that can be calming to others.

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