
Full Flowing Hair

Full Flowing Hair (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 8

Name: Full Flowing Hair
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 8
Description: Now you've got a full head of hair to style like the protagonist you are! (Or antagonist, we don't judge.)
Application: You may give your character hair! This hair can only be on their head and should never grow far enough to cover the third eye gem completely (but it may cover the third eye gem slightly, as shown in the picture) and be mindful of Nyulop whiskers. Your character's hair can be any color. Hair color is not transferable to the rest of the body by an upgrade such as the Color Mixup.

Character hair may not be pure black (hex code #000000) or pure white (hex code #FFFFFF)!

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