
Firefly Glow

Firefly Glow (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP
Species: Nyulop

Name: Firefly Glow
Release: August 31st, 2017
Type: Exclusive
• Level 0
• Participate in all SDA SHIP hunts
Description: Oh wow, your...your face is glowing. Might you be the chosen one?
Application: Applying this upgrade will make it possible for your Nyulop's eyes and whiskers to glow! The glow itself can be one of several colours: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange or pink. Any other colours are not allowed. The glow can only be a singular colour, as shown above.

Note: Traditionally, the glowing occurs in flashes (much like a firefly), but you can potentially glow for longer. The glowing is controlled.

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