
Cosmic Dust

Cosmic Dust (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Cosmic Dust
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participate in the Starsail Festival Event
Description: Having that multi-coloured cloud of dust trailing behind you makes you look very regal!
Application: Grow a set of crescent moon shaped golden discs on the sides of your finley's neck. From these discs a dust like substance is emitted. This function can be controlled. The dust can come in an array of blues, purples and pinks (representing the early to late evening sky). Within this dust can be found twinkling stars. A gradient must be visible to some degree within the dust and it should contain pinks, purples and blues. No other colours should be present, but you must include at least one pink, purple and blue within the dust cloud.

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