
Cake Slice Back Spikes

Cake Slice Back Spikes (Other)

Category: Body AP
Name: Cake Slice Back Spikes

Release: March 23rd, 2024
Type: Other AP
• Be your Birthday!
Description: Its a celebration on your back!
Application: Apply 3-6 slice spikes from your characters neck, down to their tail. The slices may be no bigger or no smaller than shown above, and may or may not have frosting dollops on top! The cake and the frosting may be any colors you like, abiding by the color rules (no pure black or pure white!), but each spike must match the others! The cake and frosting can either match, or each be one solid color. The colors picked may not be color picked from/color mixed anywhere else on your character. These spikes may be washed, and despite their appearance, they arent actually food and are solid horn material, which is quite intriguing to think about!

This upgrade may be applied once a year to any character you wish!

Back Spikes

Back Spikes (Standard)

Category: Affinity AP
Level: 3

Name: Back Spikes
Release: June 1st, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 2
• Be an Unlucky Nyulop OR a Fire Draken

You may give your Unlucky Nyulop a row of three (3) triangular shaped spikes. These spikes run down the center of the back and may be any colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt.

Your Draken can grow back spikes anywhere along a straight line on their back as shown in the picture. The spikes don't have to run all the way down to their tail, or their spikes can also be only on their tail if you want. These spikes must be your Draken's base body color!

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