

Antenna (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Astralit
Level: 5

Name: Antennae
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 5
Description: Alien, or insect?
Application: You may add a pair of simple antennae like depicted above to your Astralit. The antennae may be any color currently found on your Astralit's pelt.

Flutter Antenna

Flutter Antenna (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 10

Name: Flutter Antenna
Release: April 13th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Draw your character interacting with an insect!
Description: How cute! Look at your little curly antenna!
Application: You may grow a set of matching antenna on your character's forehead. These antenna must be the same colour. They may be any colour of your choice so long as they abide by the colour application rule.


Plantenna (Standard)

Category: Affinity AP
Species: Draken
Level: 3

Name: Plantenna
Release: June 1st, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 3
• Be an Earth Draken
Description: Eh? Get it?? Yeah??? ... Well... at least they're cute...
Application: Your Draken grows small antenna that are that Draken's base color behind their horns, these antenna can sprout leaves that are any color currently on your Draken.

Bulb Antenna

Bulb Antenna (Standard)

Category: Affinity AP
Species: Draken
Level: 10

Name: Bulb Antenna
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Be an Earth Draken
Description: Looks like you've grown some cute antenna! Don't let Csirkatrice pick at them!
Application: Give your Draken the antenna with the little bulbs at the end like in the picture! The bulbs can be any color on your Draken's element palette OR they may be your Draken's eye color.

Moth Antenna

Moth Antenna (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Moth Antenna
Release: August 31st, 2017
Type: Exclusive
• Level 0
• Participate in all SDA SHIP hunts
Description: What adorable fuzzy little feelers! Does...does having them make you want to fly into a light bulb repeatedly?
Application: You may grow out a set of moth-like antenna above your Nyulop's whiskers but in front of their ears (as featured in the image above). The antenna must be either the base colour of your Nyulop's fur or, if there are markings on the forehead in those locations, the colour of said markings. Antenna are the approximate length and width shown above and are fuzzy.

Lovebug Antenna

Lovebug Antenna (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP
Species: Nyulop

Name: Lovebug Antenna
Release: February 10th, 2021
Type: Limited
• Level 0
• Complete 2 prompts for Heartsgiving 2021
Description: Come snuggle up closer, lovebug!~
Application: You may grow out a set of prominent, extra fuzzy, heart shaped antenna above your Nyulop's whiskers but in front of their ears (as shown above). The antenna can be any color currently on your Nyulop, including eyes, inner ears, and whiskers. They can also be washed! Antenna are the approximate length and width shown above.

6 results found.