
Aloe Hair-a

Aloe Hair-a (Standard)

Category: Affinity AP
Species: Draken
Level: 10

Name: Aloe Hair-a
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Be an Earth Draken
Description: Do you still have to water it?
Application: Your Draken grows full, beautiful flora from their head. The plants can be any type of plant or plant part, like leaves or vines. These plants are slightly tougher and more flexible than normal plants of their variety, enough to withstand styling and daily activities. The plants can come in any naturally occurring color or any color off the elemental palette, but these colors (like normal hair colors) are not allowed to be used or mixed anywhere else on the Draken. Creative liberties are allowed to be taken with the plant parts and patterns and gradients may be added to them, so long as they do not resemble unnatural shapes like stars, hearts, etc.

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