
Forked Tongue

Forked Tongue (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 7

Name: Forked Tongue
Release: July 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 7
• Draw your character sticking their tongue out!
Description: Did you steal that from an Unlucky Nyulop?
Application: Your Draken now has a notch in their tongue. The tongue will remain whatever color it was before applying.


Eyeguards (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 10

Name: Eyeguards
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Horns that seem to wrap around your eyes and protect you!
Application: Give your Draken long horns that connect to your eyes. It can be two colors that already exist on your Draken. This upgrade is not compatible with eyebrows but is compatible with horns.

Coloured Pupils

Coloured Pupils (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 20

Name: Coloured Pupils
Type: Standard
• Level 20
• Magic Mastery
Description: Is that allowed!?
Application:  The character's pupils change from black to any other color. The color must be distinguishable from the iris color at a glance, and is not allowed to be the exact same color and hue as the iris to give a pupiless appearance. The pupil does not need to be the same hue as the iris (i.e. a blue iris may have a purple or red pupil) and the new pupil color may be lighter or darker than the iris. 

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