
Slanted Vision

Slanted Vision (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 17

Name: Slanted Vision
Release: November 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 17
Description: Graze with no fear.
Application: Change your character's pupils from their standard circular shape to the bar shaped one.

Noble Whiskers

Noble Whiskers (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 6

Name: Noble Whiskers
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 6
Description: You can twirl those while looking rather menacing!
Application: Grow out a set of long and ornate whiskers on your Nyulop! They must be their base colour (or, should they come from inside a marking, that colour!).

These whiskers can grow to at max the length to your character's ankles. They may be any length in a range between what is shown in the image above and your character's ankles, but they may not touch the ground.

Slender Snout

Slender Snout (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 13

Name: Slender Snout
Release: May 1st, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 13
Description: Looks like your snout's grown out rather long and slender...I swear I've seen that before. Maybe on some infamous Nyulop?
Application: You may grow your Nyulop's snout out, making it longer and more slender than the traditional face shape, making sure to match the image above. All markings grow/stretch to accommodate the new shape.

Lucky Coin

Lucky Coin (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 13

Name: Lucky Coin
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 13
• Draw the character you want this upgrade for helping Silver with a task. Maybe at the bank?
Description: When the sun hits your forehead just right you cast a wicked anime-style twinkle shine!
Application: Grow a coin in the shape of the one featured above. The coin may be copper, silver or gold. The coin should not be larger or smaller than what is seen above.

Full Mane

Full Mane (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 10

Name: Full Mane
Release: September 16th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Oh I just can't wait to be kiiiing ♪
Application: You may grow out your Nyulop's natural mane so that it has a more lion-like appearance, going up around the ears, face and top of their head. It should remain the same colour(s) as your current mane.

Flare Fluff

Flare Fluff (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 15

Name: Flare Fluff
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Draw your Nyulop grooming. They need to look their best!
Description: Now that's some stylish plumage!
Application: Grow a three-tiered patch of fluffy plumage in the style shown above. These may consist of three colours and each layer should be distinctly different. You may not colour grab from the whiskers, inner ears, paw pads or eyes. None should be pure white or pure black.

Fluffy Brows

Fluffy Brows (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 10

Name: Fluffy Brows
Release: December 20th, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Draw your Nyulop making an exaggerated expression! (be creative!)
Description: Those are some seriously bushy eyebrows!
Application: Grow out a puffy pair of thick brows that rest above your Nyulop's eyes. These may be any colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt.

Leafy Ssael Nose

Leafy Ssael Nose (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 8

Name: Leafy Ssael Nose
Release: January 4th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 8
• Draw your Nyulop doing something in the dark!
Description: You seem a little batty...
Application: This nose replaces your Nyulop's rabbit like nose! It lays flat agaisnt their face, and can be any color on your Nyulop, including whiskers/inner ears/eyes/paw pads.

Woodchewer Teeth

Woodchewer Teeth (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 11

Name: Woodchewer Teeth
Release: July 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 11
Description: How much wood could a Nyulop chuck if a Nyulop could chuck wood?
Application: Your Nyulop's front teeth grow into the shape shown above. Note: They aren't actually any stronger than regular teeth, and you really shouldn't try chewing on any trees with them!

Scavenger's Mane

Scavenger's Mane (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop (Leporid subtype)
Level: 13

Name: Scavenger's Mane
Release: July 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 13
• Be a Leporid Nyulop (not compatible with Standard Nyulop)
Description: A built in neck pillow, if you want!
Application: Medium sized feathers grow around the back of your Nyulop's neck! The front of their neck is not affected by this upgrade, and must be kept bare like in the upgrade example. The feathers must be the same color as where they grew from.

Wicked Teeth

Wicked Teeth (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 10

Name: Wicked Teeth
Release: January 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Smile for the camera!
Application: Give your Nyulop a set of sharp teeth!

Alignment Split

Alignment Split (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 50

Name: Alignment Split
Release: September 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 50
Description: Truly unique... I can't look away...
Application: [REWORKING TBD]

Kitty Mouth

Kitty Mouth (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 11

Name: Kitty Mouth
Release: September 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 11
Description: :3c
Application: Ditch the standard Nyulop mouth for a smooth one! Your Nyulop now has no more mouth notch or portruding fangs. They can still be drawn with the fangs, but they are optional.

Macaroni Feather

Macaroni Feather (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 35

Name: Macaroni Feather
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 35
Description: Cute as a button. Not for pheasants.
Application: You may add a single large feather on Nyulop's forehead. It can be any colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt.

Smooth Mouth

Smooth Mouth (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 7

Name: Smooth Mouth
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 7
Description: It makes you look softer!
Application: Give your Draken a smooth mouth. It seems they've shed their cartilage notches!

Snapper Mouth

Snapper Mouth (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 7

Name: Snapper Mouth
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 7
Description: CHOMP!
Application: Your Draken's mouth now resembles that of a snapping turtle, give them those three notches! You can either draw this upgrade like the example image, or like the standard baby Draken mouth.

Full Head Crest

Full Head Crest (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 8

Name: Full Head Crest
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 8
Description: This reminds me of someone...
Application: You may give your Draken a full head crest made of cartilage. It is not as flexible or flowing as hair is. The head crest may be any color on your Draken.

Head Spikes

Head Spikes (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 10

Name: Head Spikes
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Ow! Those are sharp!
Application: You may now have spikes running down your Draken's head. These spikes can only be running down the back of the head from the forehead. These spikes may not be connected, it must be one single spike after the other. The spikes may be any color on your Draken.

Zig Zag Maw

Zig Zag Maw (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 13

Name: Zig Zag Maw
Release: February 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 13
Description: More teeth? More teeth!
Application: Give your Draken a much sharper looking mouth! Change your Draken's standard 4 fangs into as many as you want, but make sure the original 4 are always longer than the added points. This can apply to the top and/or bottom jaw. This cannot be added to the Smooth mouth.

Full Elemental Rush

Full Elemental Rush (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 50

Name: Full Elemental Rush
Release: August 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 50
Description: Did your eyes get like that from staring at the sun too long!?
Application: Your Draken trades their eye color for an iris the colors of the rainbow! The eyes must include red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and purple. The eyes can be saturated, pastel, darkened, ect, but should be clearly recognizable as rainbow. If you choose to make the eyes pastel for example, they cant be both pastel AND saturated.

44 results found.