
Faceted Gaze

Faceted Gaze (MYO)

Category: Head AP

Name: Faceted Gaze
Release: December 20th, 2020
Type: Flying Diamond MYO Exclusive
• Level 0
• Access to Flying Diamond MYO slot
Description: You look like you don't karat all
Application: The character's eyes become glittery and faceted, like a cut gemstone. The facets are different shades of the current eye color. The sclera also becomes lightly tinged with another color. This upgrade cannot be combined with other eye upgrades.

Baby Fangs

Baby Fangs (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Astralit
Level: 1

Name: Fangs
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 1
Description: Getting your baby fangs!
Application: Give your Astralit a pair of fangs. They can be hidden in your characters mouth or poke out a small amount.

Nose Bump

Nose Bump (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Astralit
Level: 2

Name: Nose Bump
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 2
Description: No longer an oval!
Application: Your Astralit's face goes from rounded to having a small bump snout. Their nose should not be very long and should be as long as depicted above.


Antenna (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Astralit
Level: 5

Name: Antennae
Release: June 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 5
Description: Alien, or insect?
Application: You may add a pair of simple antennae like depicted above to your Astralit. The antennae may be any color currently found on your Astralit's pelt.

Spike Crest

Spike Crest (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 1

Name: Spike Crest
Release: June 1st, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 1
Description: Woah, now we're getting sharp!
Application: Add a crest of any simple shape to your Draken's head. This crest is solid and tough, so while it has give it doesn't bend and bounce quite like fur does.


Tuft (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Nyulop
Level: 3

Name: Tuft
Release: June 5th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 3
Description: By popular demand... *drum roll* A small tuft of hair for your head!
Application: You may give your Nyulop a simply styled tuft of hair on their head. It must match either their main fur colour or match the colour of the marking (should it be inside one).

Wistol Crest

Wistol Crest (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 15

Name: Wistol Crest
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 15
Description: What fluffy crests you have!
Application: Grow crests similar to the Crested Wistol. The top feathers should be as long as shown in the upgrade image. ( For Nyulop, the fluff underneath your characters eyes must not cover their whiskers, instead their whiskers grow from underneath). These crests may be any color currently on your character's pelt.

Rockstomper Tusks

Rockstomper Tusks (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 20

Name: Rockstomper Tusks
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 20
Description: Woah! Be careful with those things!
Application: Grow our your character's teeth into large tusks like those of a Rockstomper. These tusks should not be any larger than shown in the image above and grow at the corners of your character's mouth, as depicted.

Hammin Teeth

Hammin Teeth (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 12

Name: Hammin Teeth
Release: February 1st, 2022
Type: Standard
• Be an Islander
• Level 12
• Draw your character biting a rock!
Description: You look like you're ready to chow down on some rocks.
Application: Your character's teeth grow out, pointing out above their mouth as an underbite. You should still retain your character's mouth shape. Their teeth should not be any longer than shown in the image, but may be shorter.

Cobra Hood

Cobra Hood (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 15

Name: Cobra Hood
Release: April 2nd, 2024
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Woah! You look so sleek with that hood!
Application: Your Draken now has a Cobra Hood qrapped aroumd their head. The outside of the hood must be the darkest color currently on your draken, and the inside must be the lightest color currently on your draken. You may make small changes to this upgrade to fit other hood styles but it must still resemble the image to a degree. You forfeit your ears with this upgrade.

Elegant Snout

Elegant Snout (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Species: Draken
Level: 40

Name: Elegant Snout
Release: April 2nd, 2024
Type: Standard
• Level 40
Description: It almost looks like a beak. Have you ever thought about growing feathers?
Application: Your Draken's snout becomes elongated and sharp. It can be combined with other Head Upgrades as long as they don't clash.

Long Tusks

Long Tusks (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 7

Name: Long Tusks
Release: June 1st, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 7
• Draw your character biting into something delicious! What are they eating?
• Draw at least three(3) pictures of your character with the Fangs upgrade! [ASTRALIT ONLY]
Description: With longer canines, you could rip into just about anything! That... That sounds scary. Don't do that.
Application: Your character's fangs grow to become much longer. They can grow to about halfway past the bottom of the head as shown in the swatch - or any size in between.

Full Flowing Hair

Full Flowing Hair (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 8

Name: Full Flowing Hair
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 8
Description: Now you've got a full head of hair to style like the protagonist you are! (Or antagonist, we don't judge.)
Application: You may give your character hair! This hair can only be on their head and should never grow far enough to cover the third eye gem completely (but it may cover the third eye gem slightly, as shown in the picture) and be mindful of Nyulop whiskers. Your character's hair can be any color. Hair color is not transferable to the rest of the body by an upgrade such as the Color Mixup.

Character hair may not be pure black (hex code #000000) or pure white (hex code #FFFFFF)!

Colored Sclera

Colored Sclera (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 10

Name: Colored Sclera
Release: May 1st 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Woah, those eyes make you look mysterious...
Application: Your character's Sclera can now be one solid color. It can be any colour aside from pure black (#000000).

Please make sure that your Draken's color sclera aren't within a few pixels of shade for each of these colors. If they look too close, it will not be considered valid.

Slit Pupils

Slit Pupils (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 10

Name: Slit Pupils
Release: December 17th, 2017
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Someone's eyes sure are looking interesting! They make you look like an adorable little creature...y'know, the kind that purrs?
Application: Change your character's pupils from their standard circular shape to the slit one.

Brow Changer

Brow Changer (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 10

Name: Brow Changer
Release: July 1st 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Suddenly, you feel a little different! Could it be... your brows?!
Application: Give your character any sort of eyebrow type that deviates from the normal type. They can either keep their original color, or match the color of their Full Flowing Hair, if they posses that upgrade. You can also remove the eyebrows altogether if you want.

Facial Hair

Facial Hair (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 16

Name: Facial Hair
Release: March 2nd, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 16
[NYULOP] Draw your Nyulop trimming their pelt. What kind of trim are they getting?
[ASTRALIT] Draw your Astralit helping Mayor Hyndrel with something around town. Be creative!
[DRAKEN] Draw your Draken helping Oren out with something! Maybe they are building something, or forging something? What could it be? Do you think Oren can see how much your character has grown?
Description: You're definitely looking so distinguished!
Application: Give your character facial hair! This can include a suave mustache and a beard in any sort of fancy fashion! This upgrade can be applied to all sexes, so please don't be shy!The facial hair may be any colour currently on your character's pelt, or their hair color if they have the Full Flowing Hair upgrade applied.

Mouth Color Changer

Mouth Color Changer (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 10

Name: Mouth Color Changer
Release: September 1st, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Those are some colorful words you're using...
Application: You may now change your character's mouth color to any color you want, excluding pure white or pure black. The mouth must be a darker shade of the tongue, and both must be the same hue. (ex. You cant have a red tongue and a blue mouth!)

Ssael Eyes

Ssael Eyes (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 17

Name: Ssael Eyes
Release: Feburary 1st, 2024
Type: Standard
• Level 17
• Draw your character witnessing a Ssael migration
Description: A winning upgrade chosen from the Dream Upgrade Staff Challenge! Designed by FlareFireFox
Application: Your character's pupils gain the ability to flash bright glows like seen on a Ssael! The base glow is a lighter color of your character's iris. The glow may remain one(1) color, or flash a sequence of colors corresponding to your character's mood. May be any color EXCEPT pure white (#FFFFFF) and pure black (#000000).

• Incompatible with Firefly Glow
• Compatible with pupil modifying upgrades

Flutter Antenna

Flutter Antenna (Standard)

Category: Head AP
Level: 10

Name: Flutter Antenna
Release: April 13th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 10
• Draw your character interacting with an insect!
Description: How cute! Look at your little curly antenna!
Application: You may grow a set of matching antenna on your character's forehead. These antenna must be the same colour. They may be any colour of your choice so long as they abide by the colour application rule.

44 results found.