
Moth Antenna

Moth Antenna (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Moth Antenna
Release: August 31st, 2017
Type: Exclusive
• Level 0
• Participate in all SDA SHIP hunts
Description: What adorable fuzzy little feelers! Does...does having them make you want to fly into a light bulb repeatedly?
Application: You may grow out a set of moth-like antenna above your Nyulop's whiskers but in front of their ears (as featured in the image above). The antenna must be either the base colour of your Nyulop's fur or, if there are markings on the forehead in those locations, the colour of said markings. Antenna are the approximate length and width shown above and are fuzzy.

Candy Horns

Candy Horns (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Candy Horns
Release: November 2nd, 2017
Type: Exclusive
• Level 0
• Participate in all chapters of Halloween Havoc
Description: Those horns look positively delicious! Sweet, tangy, sour, even spicy! Such an array of flavourful choices!
Application: You may either 1) grow a set of horns according to the guidelines above -- choosing from small, medium or large in size; or 2) change your current horns (Uni Horns, Draken Horns, Starter Horns, Goo Horns, etc.) into candified versions! This will simply change their colour, not their size. Click here for flavor/color options!

Celestial Markings

Celestial Markings (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Celestial Markings
Release: December 16th 2017
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participation in the 300+ Member milestone event
Description: My aren't you spiffy! What a snazzy looking marking you have.
Application: You may apply these markings in one of two ways. You may either 1) apply a sun OR moon marking somewhere on your character; or 2) apply a sun and moon marking somewhere on your character. Markings are allowed to be applied anywhere on your character, and may vary somewhat in size, but should not be very large (feel free to inquire before applying). Markings are gradient. No overlapping of sun and moon markings are permitted. Please ensure that the moon remains a crescent and that there are at least six points to the sun. They may be any colour you would like, but nothing black, white or grey.

Heart Markings

Heart Markings (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Heart Markings
Release: March 3rd, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Completion of Entry 1 (one) in the Heartsgiving event
Description: What a unique marking to have! Is it different from other markings in some way? Sure feels like it...
Application: You may apply this upgrade to your finley. You may give them 1-3 (one to three) heart shaped markings. These markings may be any shade of red or pink OR any colour currently on your finley. These markings are unique! Unlike other heart-shaped markings, those earned on Heartsgiving provide one the ability to comfort others while embracing them. The hearts provide a warm and soothing feeling through physical contact that can be calming to others.



Category: Rarity AP

Release: June 13th, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Be active from June 13th to July 13th
Description: It's time to shine like the star you really are!
Application: Give your finley a single large star (approximately the size in the example), which can be any colour you would like so long as it isn't pure black or pure white. The star can only be a five-point one. The marking can be applied anywhere on your finley's pelt.


Heterochromia (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Heterochromia
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
Description: Someone's rocking some serious special eyes over here!
Application: Give your character one distinctly different coloured eye. The eye may not be pure white or pure black, it must be a colour. This upgrade only works to change the colour of the iris, not the pupil or sclera. Application requirements vary by event.

Starry Skies

Starry Skies (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Starry Skies
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participate in the Starsail Festival Event
Description: Light it up like the bright night sky!
Application: Starry sparks materialize within an already existing marking, making it appear like there's a galaxy within that spot! These stars must be paler than the base colour (ideally something like a pale yellow, for example), but may not be pure white. The base of the marking should be any colour featured on one of the Starsail Festival Koals. You may not use the white trim of the Koal as one of your colour choices. Your marking can either be a gradient OR a solid sky-colour. The stars within the marking may twinkle and occasionally a shooting star might streak past!

Colours of Koals which may be used: 1, 2, or 3

THIS UPGRADE CAN ONLY APPLY TO MARKINGS. This means you may use either markings originally on your character from their creation or markings added later via upgrades. It only works on the pelt of your character. It can't be applied to their inner ears, whiskers, paws or mouth. It can't be applied to the interior or exterior of wings UNLESS a marking exists on the backs of them. This upgrade is not compatible with upgrades like Partridge Wings and can not be adjusted using Marking Colour Changer or any other marking or colour adjusting upgrade.
THIS UPGRADE CAN ONLY BE APPLIED TO A SINGLE MARKING. Please check with an admin/mod if you're uncertain!

Cosmic Dust

Cosmic Dust (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Cosmic Dust
Release: July 7th, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participate in the Starsail Festival Event
Description: Having that multi-coloured cloud of dust trailing behind you makes you look very regal!
Application: Grow a set of crescent moon shaped golden discs on the sides of your finley's neck. From these discs a dust like substance is emitted. This function can be controlled. The dust can come in an array of blues, purples and pinks (representing the early to late evening sky). Within this dust can be found twinkling stars. A gradient must be visible to some degree within the dust and it should contain pinks, purples and blues. No other colours should be present, but you must include at least one pink, purple and blue within the dust cloud.

Skull Face

Skull Face (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Skull Face
Release: November 1st, 2018
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Have an entry in Halloween Havoc II which showcases the fighting/defeat of all three types of CC.
Description: This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night! ♪
Application: You may apply a marking in the style shown above to the face of your finley. The new skull-style facial marking should appear as close to what is shown above as possible. This marking may either be lighter or darker than your finley's base colour. You may choose either a colour currently on them (excluding eyes, mouths, inner ears, paws and or mana organs) to use OR you may add a new colour. You may not use white or black, but light and dark greys are acceptable. Please inquire if you are uncertain about the colour choice before application. May only be applied to one character.

Cherub's Mark

Cherub's Mark (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Cherub Mark
Release: March 2nd, 2019
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participation in Heartsgiving 2019.
Description: A patch of colour that resembles a pair of cute Cupid wings. It gives off the scent of roses when your character is around some one they have romantic feelings for.
Application: This upgrade should appear the same size and shape as it does in the example. This upgrade can be any colour currently on your character according to the colour grabbing rule.

Delicate Tail

Delicate Tail (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Delicate Tail
Release: April 13th, 2019
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Submit at least 3 entries for Paschaster 2019
Description: Does your tail flutter and flap?
Application: You may grow a tail matching the design above. You may CHOOSE to keep the curls on the end of the tail. They are not required. Should you choose to keep them, they may be any colour on your character. The wings should be the size and shape shown above. The pattern may be any pattern currently available for Apex Butter Wings. They may be any colour you like so long as they abide by the colour application rule. The colors on them cannot be moved with any color mixing upgrades.

Regal Horns

Regal Horns (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Regal Horns
Release: April 13th, 2019
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Submit at least 3 entries for Paschaster 2019
Description: What fanciful horns atop your head! Truly they are elegant and ornate.
Application: You may grow a set of matching horns that appear in the shape shown above. These horns may be dark grey to off-white OR any colour currently on your character. The two flowers on either side of the horn may be any colour you like, abiding by colour rules, and all four must match. The colors on them cannot be moved with any color mixing upgrades.

Starry Sprinkle

Starry Sprinkle (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Star Sprinkles
Release: July 1st, 2019
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participate in the special Anniversary Event
Description: Can we possibly fit any more stars on you!?
Application: Give your character small star markings all over, or in small clusters! They may not be any larger than what is shown in the example image. They can be any color currently on your character's pelt.

False Eyes

False Eyes (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: False Eyes
Release: October 22nd, 2019
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Have an entry from Halloween Havoc III which showcases the fighting/defeat of a Miserable.
Description: The pupils seem to very slowly look in the same direction as the real eyes… as if they're staring right into you...
Application: Your character finds themselves with gemstone like growths under their eyes. They should not deviate from the example image in shape or size. You have two choices for color options:

1) The inner, "pupil" part of the false eyes can be red/orange, and the outer "sclera" part can be yellow/orange, mimicking the Chaos Construct's eyes.
2) The inner "pupil" can match the character's real iris color, and the outer "sclera" can be a lighter or darker color of the same hue. If they have any sort of iris changing upgrade (gradient eyes, heterochromia, ect.) the false eyes will mimic them with the same rules/guidelines.

Sporepole Tail

Sporepole Tail (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Sporepole Tail
Release: April 8th, 2020
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Submit at least one entry to Topsy Turvy Town 2020.
Description: Now you can perhaps swim as well as a Sporepole!
Application: Your character grows a Sporepole's tail. The webbing can be any color of your choice aside from the standard color restrictions of no pure black or white, and cannot be the color of your character's eyes.

Swirled Belly

Swirled Belly (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Swirled Belly
Release: April 8th, 2020
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Submit at least one entry to Topsy Turvy Town 2020.
Description: Staring into the swirl may... make you... sleepy....
Application: Apply a swirled marking to your character's belly. This swirl can be any color of your choice besides pure black, pure white, or the color of your character's eyes.

Embedded Star Gem

Embedded Star Gem (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Embedded Star Gem
Release: June 1st, 2020
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Submit at least one image featuring the stalls during Starsail 2020.
Description: Your heart shines as bright as a star!
Application: A star-shaped gem can be placed anywhere on your character as long as it remains the approximate size shown above. The gem can have between 4-6 points and can be any color of your choice following the standard color rules. The gem can also glow and this glow can be controlled.

Tinsel Fur | Glitter Scales

Tinsel Fur | Glitter Scales (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Tinsel Fur | Glitter Scales
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participate in the 2020 Anniversary Event
Description: What shiny hairs you have! Did you grow that yourself?
Application: Your finley grows shining strands of metallic fur/scales. These fur strands/scales are highly reflective, and shimmer as if they're truly metal! However, they feel just like the fur/scales around them, besides looking different. They can grow in clusters or be separate strands/scales, but must be either Gold, Silver, Copper, Rose Gold, or Tungsten (off black)
They cannot be washed, or color mixed to other parts of the body.

Flourish Fan Tail

Flourish Fan Tail (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Flourish Fan Tail
Release: July 13th, 2020
Type: Limited Edition
• Level 0
• Participate in the 2020 Anniversary Event
Description: What an elegant tail!
Application: Your character grows a fan-like tail like what is shown in the image. The tail remains the color it was previously. Any markings previously on the tail remain on the tail, stretching if needed to fit the shape.

Tattered Cape Wings

Tattered Cape Wings (Rarity)

Category: Rarity AP

Name: Tattered Cape Wings
Release: December 17th, 2020
Type: Limited
• Level 0
• Complete 3 prompts for the Dark Year Plot
Description: Thats a rather shabby cloak....Wait-- those are wings?!
Application:When relaxed, these wings look just like a tattered old cape that behaves just like cloth. They can move however and form the shape of wings as shown, how mysterious! These wings can't produce any lift to increase altitude, but they can be used for gliding.
They may be any color on you characters corresponding palette.

85 results found.