
Floral Spots

Floral Spots (Standard)

Level: 12

Name: Floral Spots
Release: April 13th, 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 12
Description: Do you smell like a floral perfume?
Application: You may apply flower like patterns to your character like the example above. These markings may be any colour currently on your character's pelt. They can occupy a section of your character's body OR cover them from head to toe! The patterns must include three and four-petaled flowers.

Painter's Frenzy

Painter's Frenzy (Standard)

Name: Painters Frenzy
Release: October 15th, 2020
Type: Class Exclusive
• Complete one of Atlas's Wash Classes
Description: Are YOU trying to become the next wash ingredient??
Application: You may apply several multicolored paint splatters anywhere on your character excluding their mouths and eyes. The splatters colors may be  any color you'd like, so long as it abides by the color rule; the colors may not be mixed anywhere else

Drippy Marks

Drippy Marks (Standard)

Name: Drippy Marks
Release: October 15th, 2020
Type: Class Exclusive
• Complete one of Atlas's Wash Classes
Description: Uh....I think your markings are melting??
Application: Pre-existing markings of your choice now have a dripping effect applied to their edges. The affect will mainly apply the bottom edges on most markings, similar to actual paint drippings. Arms and leg markings are exempt from this, and appear as if you dunked your limbs into a gallon of paint instead, similar to the example image.

Racing Stripe

Racing Stripe (Standard)

Species: Nyulop
Level: 10

Name: Racing Stripe
Release: August 1st, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 10
Description: Going fast makes me feel alive~
Application: You may apply a stripe from your Nyulop's nose all the way down to the tip of their tail. This marking may be any colour currently on your Nyulop's pelt.

Creeping Stripes

Creeping Stripes (Standard)

Species: Nyulop
Level: 13

Name: Creeping Stripes
Release: August 1st, 2018
Type: Standard
• Level 13
• Starter Stripes
Description: Jeepers!
Application: You may give your Nyulop stripes on their legs and arms. These stripes must be the same colour as your Starter Stripes. If your Starter Stripes have been modified by other upgrades then these stripes will reflect that.

Pinto Markings

Pinto Markings (Standard)

Species: Nyulop
Level: 40

Name: Pinto Markings
Release: March 2nd, 2022
Type: Standard
• Level 40
Description: Did you spill some milk on you?
Application: You may apply splotches of off-white markings on top of your Nyulop's pelt. They can cover up to 50% of the body and go over any existing marking. They should remain off-white and can't be any other colour. Click HERE for an example!


Spots (Standard)

Species: Draken
Level: 7

Name: Spots
Release: January 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 7
• Starter Spots
Description: 98... 99... 100... 101!
Application: Place simple (solid color) spots anywhere on your Draken's body! These spots are the same color as the Starter Spots.


Stripes (Standard)

Species: Draken
Level: 8

Name: Stripes
Release: January 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 8
• Starter Stripes
Description: AHHH! Is that a tiger?!
Application: Give your Draken stripes anywhere on their body! These stripes are the same color as the Starter Stripes. Stripes must wrap around the body in some way. Tail/limbs/back/etc.

Tabby Stripes

Tabby Stripes (Standard)

Species: Draken
Level: 15

Name: Tabby Stripes
Release: January 2019
Type: Standard
• Level 15
• Starter Stripes
Application: Give your Draken stripes that you would see on a tabby cat! These stripes are the same color as the Starter Stripes. Stripes must wrap around the body in some way. Tail/limbs/back/etc.


Rings (Standard)

Species: Draken
Level: 12

Name: Rings
Release: February 1st, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 12
Description: Ringed raccoon runs... Huh? What do you mean I've got the wrong animal?? Ah, I see, you've got the right rings!
Application: Apply ringed markings to your Draken like in the picture! The thickness of the rings should be similar to the example image. These markings can be any color on your Draken's pelt.


Inkspill (Standard)

Species: Draken
Level: 15

Name: Inkspill
Release: May 2nd, 2020
Type: Standard
• Level 15
Description: Did... you spill something on yourself? Do you have an inkling of how it happened?
Application: Give your Draken blobby markings like in the example image. They can be all over the body or only on certain places, but cannot form any specific shapes like squares, hearts, etc. These markings can be any color on your Draken's pelt.

32 results found.