
<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Bismuth Stone</a>

Bismuth Stone


This spirit is quiet and has a wise, kind energy around it. It is known to help muffle noises any sounds Nyulop and Draken make, and makes them nearly undetectable.

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<a href=" Tourmaline" class="display-item">Watermelon Tourmaline</a>

Watermelon Tourmaline


This coy little spirit is known for being rather aloof. It is known to help boost the confidence and courage in its Nyulop and Draken partners.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Zoisite Stone</a>

Zoisite Stone

Artist: NeraEngem


You feel slower, but you feel like there is more power behind your attacks with this companion.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Chalcedony Stone</a>

Chalcedony Stone


This companion stone is known for its constant alert state. They are curious by nature and have an uncanny ability to sense where you are no matter how hidden. This spirit boosts dexterity and sharpens the vision of Draken and Nyulop.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Amber Stone</a>

Amber Stone


This companion Spirit is known to be fierce and fast. The fiery look and effect of the Spirit often leads for it to be attached to weapons. This Spirit can boost fire Draken and fire based casting for Nyulop.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Emerald Stone</a>

Emerald Stone


This companion Spirit is slow moving but very strong, when partnered it can help strengthen earth Draken or plant focused magic in Nyulop. It is very calm and good to have around for company.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Lapis Stone</a>

Lapis Stone


This companion Spirit is known for its lax personality. They are able to adapt easily to new situations and scenarios and have a calming effect on their partners. They can boost water elemental Draken and increase stamina in Draken and Nyulop.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Citrine Stone</a>

Citrine Stone


This companion Spirit is known to be eccentric and energetic. They seem to have their own agenda, and while they will help when needed, they may just test their owner's patience at times. This Spirit can boost wind elemental Draken and increase speed for Draken and Nyulop.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Ruby Stone</a>

Ruby Stone


This companion Spirit known for being hot headed and stubborn. They tend to be loyal to their owner, but aggressive to most other creatures. This Spirit can increase attack power and physical strength for Draken and Nyulop.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Charoite Stone</a>

Charoite Stone


This companion Spirit is often very sweet and loyal. They get very attached to their owners and are always ready to help with battles or anything else they could be useful for. This Spirit can increase defense for Draken and Nyulop.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Selenite Stone</a>

Selenite Stone


This companion Spirit is known for its tenacity and hardiness. They will follow their owners anywhere and everywhere and are thought to be the most loyal of Spirits. They increase ice magic in Draken and give an incredible boost to stamina for Draken and Nyulop.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Peridot Stone</a>

Peridot Stone


This companion Spirit is known for its sense of humor. It often times will giggle at jokes or play harmless pranks. It is thought to be very intelligent! It will give its owner boosts in problem solving and tactics.


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Larimar Stone</a>

Larimar Stone


This Companion Spirit is always raring to go, often darting around in a zigzag manner when out with its partner. This Spirit can boost lightning elemental Draken and can improve a Draken and Nyulop's evasion.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Onyx Stone</a>

Onyx Stone


This Companion Spirit is rather timid and faint of heart, often sticking close to its partner when out and about. This Spirit boosts the accuracy of Draken and Nyulop.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Rhodonite Stone</a>

Rhodonite Stone


This Companion loves to be outdoors and always has a happy-go-lucky demeanor to it. This Spirit helps Draken and Nyulop with their sense of directions when out in the world.

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<a href=" Quartz Stone" class="display-item">Dusty Quartz Stone</a>

Dusty Quartz Stone


Your stealth is off the charts! You feel one with the dirt shifting in the winds, almost unnoticed. You do seem to have to stop often to catch your breath after sneaking about though... Also, why is your heart beating so fast?


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Turquoise Stone</a>

Turquoise Stone


The speed, it feels like your swings and attacks are faster! The only trade-off is your moves aren't very accurate....


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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Sugilite Stone</a>

Sugilite Stone


This Companion Spirit is often silly, twisting and turning in the air as if swimming through water. This Spirit can boost the swim speed of its owner.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Sulfur Stone</a>

Sulfur Stone


This Companion Spirit tends to always be in a foul mood, usually not taking antics or goofing off very well. Despite its grumpy nature, this Spirit is loyal to its owner. This Companion can create a particular scent that will keep wild creatures away from their owner.

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<a href=" Stone" class="display-item">Topaz Stone</a>

Topaz Stone


This Companion Spirit is absentminded, often not paying attention and lost in its thoughts. This Companion helps its owner find edible food out in the wild.

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