Shooting Star Fruit

General Plantlife

Approximate size: Real-world pears

Seasonal Growth: Varies, usually growing in late summer to late autumn


This fruit is said to grow from trees that sprout where falling stars struck the Earth itself. The trees grow large, seemingly reaching back towards the sky, some think, in a hopeless attempt to rejoin the stars. These fruits have a tendency to grow more frequently when days start growing shorter and nights become longer, meaning they're very common around harvest time. However, some stray trees have been spotted growing in with some luck you'll be able to grab one of these fruits for yourselves!


Can I grow them? 

They don't seem to transplant well from their original trees, unfortunately.

Can I eat them?

Yes you can! They're extremely tasty, sweet and tangy, making them a perfect substitute for healthier, kids!

Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★

Difficult Harvesting: ★★★☆☆