Fleet Berries

General Plantlife

Xaaida Exclusive


Approximate size: Real world blueberries
Seasonal Growth: Year-round

Fleet Berries are hardy bushes that grow only on the island of Xaaida. It seems they prominently grow in open fields, and do not grow well indoors, as if they need to be able to feel the breeze. These bushes withstand strong winds and cold surprisingly well. The small yellow berries that grow on the bushes are often eaten by travelers for one reason: the berries are known to be very energizing! Eating these berries can make one feel full of energy and are great for long journeys or even to help wake you up in the morning. Eating too many can have the opposite effect though- eating tons can make you feel sluggish and completely drained. It’d have to be a lot, a whole bush for example.

Can I grow them?
Only if they’re grown outside! These bushes refuse to grow indoors, but if planted outside, they grow just fine. Outside of that, they don’t need much special care, as they are quite hardy.

Can I eat them?
Yes! The berries are edible and quite nutritious, having a slightly tart, sweet flavor to them. They can give you a small burst of energy when eaten, making them perfect to take on travels. This energy is the same for kids and adults.

Difficulty Growing: ★★☆☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★☆☆☆☆