Kaboom Shroom


Approximate size: Size of a closed human fist
Seasonal Growth: Spring through summer and into autumn


These fungi are considered to be extremely dangerous! The smaller the mushroom, the less devastating their blast, but they can still dish some damage. When plucked, the vibrant orange-red line that's found up along the stem of the shroom, will start to slowly disappear as it moves up towards the cap. When it reaches the cap the mushroom explodes and releases a thick black cloud of spores into the air. If you are holding a sizable enough shroom it can and will deal some damage! Be very careful around these mushrooms and do not harvest them without protective gear.

This mushroom can deal tier 1 to tier 4 level damage depending on size.

Can I grow them?
It is ill-advised to attempt to grow these! Do not!

Can I eat them?
They are not edible.


Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★
Difficult Harvesting: ★★★★★