Needless Nettles


Approximate size: Dandelion leaves
Seasonal Growth: Spring through summer and into autumn


These plants are thought to have once been called Needle Nettles in the Old World, but in recent decades it has been renamed Needless Nettles as they are considered more of a nuisance than anything else. Their only value comes from the buds they produce, which harden into a gem-stone like rock, and can be sold for high value to some shops. Their buds vary in colour, ranging from pinks to blues to yellows, and are notoriously difficult to harvest. To the unsuspecting passerby, the bud may be tempting to grab, and when touched the leaves produce hundreds of spines to puncture whatever is grabbing at them. They then inject the perceived threat with a relatively harmless venom that causes mild pain and intense itching. Be mindful to pluck the bud straight up from the center while avoiding the leaves.

This plant can deal tier 1 to tier 3 level damage depending on size.

Can I grow them?
Not really, they seem to act like weeds and grow of their own accord.

Can I eat them?
It is advised that consumption of these leaves be avoided as they can be painful to eat and difficult to digest.

Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★
Difficult Harvesting: ★★★★☆