Heart's Desire

General Plantlife

Approximate size: Real-world apples (small) 

Seasonal Growth: Spring to Early Summer


You always know when Heart's Desire are in bloom as they waft an incredibly alluring scent that spreads for miles around. They normally start blooming mid-February and go until the end of May. Groves of these trees are often tended to by farmers as the fruits grow plentifully and bake perfectly into pies and cakes. However, one should be careful, because biting into a newly ripened Heart's Desire can make you act...a little dopey. The effects wear off within a few minutes.

Can I grow them? 

Yes you can! Although, be wary, their scent can be alluring...you don't want to eat your entire plant all at once!

Can I eat them?

Yes you can! They taste like sweetened candies. Mostly like some sort of mixture between strawberries and cherries.

Difficulty Growing: ★★☆☆☆

Difficult Harvesting: ★★☆☆☆