Moonsplitter Flower


Approximate size: Real-world tiger lily
Seasonal Growth: Spring, Summer, and Fall


This flower's first claim to fame was as one of the main poisons used to kill a young king during the toast of his coronation in a very well-known book series, but the tale's shocking twist was based very much in reality. The oils from the petals and stem of the Moonsplitter flower is well known throughout history as being the prime choice poison... should one desire such a thing. The flower is incredibly lethal, and even being in the same vicinity of it could potentially kill you. One should wear respiratory masks when dealing with this flower or the bees that pollinate it, as the pollen entering your lungs poses a particular threat due to how difficult it then is to get out before something bad happens. Luckily, though they can grow in most temperate climates all throughout the year except winter, for a yet unknown reason they prefer to grow higher up, and often grow on cliffs and the higher branches of trees. However, finding them on the ground is possible, and they should be avoided at all costs if possible.

Can I grow them?
You may not. Due to their incredibly hazardous nature one requires a special license to legally grow them, but even besides that the flowers are capricious and very rarely seem to want to grow in captivity.

Can I eat them?
Absolutely not! Ingestion would cause a most certain, and most unpleasant death both to witness and to experience.


Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★
Difficult Harvesting: ★★★★★