Pink-Tipped Burgeus


Approximate size: Real-world daisy
Seasonal Growth: Spring-Summer

Pink Tipped Burgeus are a seasonal flower species that generally sprout up during summer but can be planted earlier to be able to start growing in spring. These flowers require a high amount of freshwater to survive, as such they are often found around rivers and lakes. What makes Pink Tipped Burgeus flowers so helpful is that once fully bloomed if you pick them around that time, you can dry the petals out to where they're easy to crush up. If pounded or crushed up to a powder, this powder is completely sweet and can mix into cooking to bring some sweetness into a dish.

Can I grow them?
You could, if you have exceptionally damp soil that's easy to access.

Can I eat them?
Technically yes? But why eat them raw when you get a much sweeter taste from when they're dried and crushed into powder.

Difficulty Growing: ★★★☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★☆☆☆☆