

Approximate size: Real world Roses
Seasonal Growth: Spring-Summer


Poppits are seasonal flowers that bloom naturally mainly in the spring, but they can be planted and grow in summer. They require very little humidity to grow.
The dark core of poppits (which carries the plant's seeds) will explode as soon as anything touches the yellow part of the stem's leaf (which usually only carries one leaf). It's not unusual that bugs or even rain trigger off that explosion, so you can find huge groups of these flowers, as their only way to re-polinate is if they explode. The explosion doesn't hurt, it simply flings seeds up to 2 meters in distance, and makes a distinct *pop* sound.


Due to their quirk, and vivid colors, these flowers are often used in pranks, you can pick them up as long as you don't touch the leaf portion of the plant, and you can give them to an unsuspecting friend, who might trigger the explosion themselves, and will be left with only the stem in their hands.

They're quite variable in color, often having two close colors (yellow and orange, yellow and green, green and blue etc.) , in a very bright hue. Some might say their colors vary due to the soil's properties, but even in fields they tend to vary quite a bit. The yellow part of the leaf never changes however.

Some children refer to these as Boom Blooms, but their correct name is "Poppits."

Can I grow them?
Yes, granted you collect the seeds that shoot out.

Can I eat them?
The dark core is extremely bitter, and the whole plant is very dry and has no flavour, I dont see why you would eat them.


Difficulty Growing: ★☆☆☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★★★☆☆