Approximate size: Real-world Pitcher Plant
Seasonal Growth: Year-Round
Frequently referred to as the much easier to remember "Moontallow Pot" due to its wide, sloping flower's pot or vase-like appearance. These plants are incredibly hardy, surviving and reproducing year-round, only record freezes able to kill off the peculiarly colored vessel. Inside the walls of the large, deep pots that grow from the plant's singular stem is a thick ooze that collects at the bottom. As it does so, it solidifies within the span of a day or two into a yellowish-white substance with the same vague consistency of real-world coconut oil. The small vine above the pitcher flowers every so often, and when it does the seeds produced fall into the pitcher, quickly becoming covered by the buttery substance produced by the plant. The seeds are then spread by creatures consuming or harvesting the moontallow, carrying the seeds with them until they are thrown away or otherwise distributed elsewhere. The moontallow produced by the plant has a great many uses, and is most often used as a spread for sandwiches and toast, a base for soaps, and a substitute for butter in baking among many others.
Can I grow them?
Moontallow Pots are very easy to grow, and thrive in pretty much any soil so long as it's fertile. The only thing that may trip first-time green thumbs up is the very large volume of water they require daily, as much as an entire watering can for some plants. Even then, it isn't hard for even beginners to grow, as overwatering is often the downfall of any gardener's first garden.
Can I eat them?
Though the plant itself may not be particularly mouth-watering, the slippery moontallow butter-like substance is both safe and very delicious. It can be eaten straight from the plant without issue (though a quick clean is often recommended as the moontallow can often contain particulates and seeds) and is very lightly sweet, but not in any regard overwhelming. It has a very light and creamy texture, and quickly melts on the tongue.
Difficulty Growing: ★☆☆☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★☆☆☆☆