Lightning Spuds

General Plantlife

Approximate size: Real-world pears
Seasonal Growth: Mid-Late Summer

This uniquely coloured fruit is rumored to only grow after thunderstorms...and only where lightning strikes the earth. The trees are uncommon, but not exceedingly rare either. They usually grow in forests, but are often times found standing alone in the center of an open field with little to no other vegetation growing around them. They're also notoriously difficult to replant and grow, failing more often than succeeding. Despite the challenges of growing them, they are still highly sought after as they taste incredibly sweet!

Can I grow them?
They're rather difficult to come by, and their very existence is a game of chance! They would be near impossible to grow without the right magic!

Can I eat them?
Yes you can! They sort of have a tanginess similar to a key-lime pie, but with an additional sweetness to them.


Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★

Difficult Harvesting: ★★★☆☆