Ice Queen's Crown


Approximate size: Real-world poinsettia flowers
Seasonal Growth: Only grows during winter when there's snow on the ground


These beautiful flowers grow only in winter, and only when it's consistently cold and there's a considerable amount of snow (most commonly found after the first three or so snowfalls). The trees themselves grow standard green leaves in the other seasons, but once the weather turns cold enough, they change to a soft teal-blue. When the leaves begin their change you can be sure the flowers are not far behind! The bark of the tree is typically white (think birch bark) with elegant swirls of a sapphire-like blue. The flowers themselves vary in hues of blue, but they all are cool to the touch, and smell fresh like a winter's day. Their scent is said to have a calming effect, and they're often used to combat any glum feelings felt during the winter months. Due to their beauty, and their heartiness, they're often picked and used for decorations around the holidays.

Can I grow them?
To any young budding botanist (or anyone else interested in caring for plants!), these flowers are notoriously difficult to grow, and seem to only thrive in forested areas. They require constant cold and the presence of snow to grow.

Can I eat them?
They are perfectly safe to ingest (but why would you? They're so pretty!). They crunch like leafy greens but taste like you're eating freshly fallen snow.


Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★
Difficult Harvesting: ★★☆☆☆