Prism Vines

General Plantlife

Approximate size: Varies Drastically
Seasonal Growth: Summer


This vine is a subspecies of a common variety that grows in the forests surrounding Whistler Crest. However, you're not looking for a regular old run of the mill Saper's Vine, but instead looking for its fancy cousin, the Prism Vine. You'll be able to distinguish this unique piece of vegetation by the presence of mismatched coloured leaves. Unlike a standard Saper's Vine, which only produces green leaves, the Prism Vine grows random leaves of various colours. Noticeable colours such as blue, purple and pink are among the most common, but leaves in red, silver and even gold can be found on occasion. These rare vines can be found growing on just about every type of tree found in the forests surrounding Whistler Crest. They can dangle from the treetops, wrap around the trunks, and are sometimes found littering the ground around the base of trees. They're not terribly thick, but they are relatively strong, and can be a bit of a chore to snap.

Can I grow them?
You can...but why would you? They can overrun a garden pretty quick! They're an invasive species, so maybe don't...

Can I eat them?
They wouldn't taste very good...but sure? They're no guess it's fine.


Difficulty Growing: ★☆☆☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★★☆☆☆