

Approximate size: About the height of a fully grown Draken.
Seasonal Growth: Year-round


The Glowshroom is most known for their bright, colorful appearance. They often light up dark forest and provide protection for more nightly-shrooms to grow. It has large bulbs dangling from the inside of the Glowshroom, and when the bulbs are pulled on there will be a loud crack and the color will change depending on what bulb you pulled on. However, though they may look lovely, the Glowshroom's light is made up of a translucent slime that-- if left on the body for a hours-- can become poison and cause the person to come down with a cold. The Glowshroom's translucent light is a process of the nutrients it collects from the sun that is then converted into a light that can be absorbed by other mushrooms; it's seen that mushrooms that grow under a Glowshroom tend to have stronger properties such as size, taste, and a longer life.

Can I grow them?
Yes, but it's recommended only advanced planters grow them.

Can I eat them?
No, the translucent layer that covers the shroom can cause severe sickness when ingested.


Difficulty Growing: ★★☆☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★ ★★☆☆