Mustachio Shroom


Approximate size: 5 inches tall, mustache-like caps are mustache sized!
Seasonal Growth: Available all year round, but most common in early spring


These bristly little shrooms have quite the goofy appearance! A lot of times these are used to pull pranks since they look just like facial hair, seeing some of these in the wild is bound to give someone a laugh. Unlike regular mushrooms, these shrooms don't have gills to release and contain their spores. Instead, the spores are all contained within the coarse, fibrous hairs of this mushroom. A dusty mustache! These shrooms also come in shades of 3 different colors; blonde, brown, and black.

Can I grow them?
Yes, these are a very hardy mushroom that is easy to take care of and nurture.

Can I eat them?
While the tops aren't desirable to eat (because it feels like eating something hairy and flavorless), the stems are very tasty with a savory flavor to them and can be eaten raw if desired.


Difficulty Growing: ★★☆☆☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★☆☆☆☆