Mysela Stalks


Approximate size: 25'00"+ on average! VERY large!
Seasonal Growth: Grow all year round but at varying rates


Mysela Stalks are a mammoth sized, fast growing, bioluminescent mushrooms that have the ability to grow year round if preserved in the right conditions. They let their spores only once a year in the fall, and due to the large size of the mother shroom, the spores are large enough to be grabbed in one hand. They appear like oversized dandelion seeds, and float on the breeze in visible clouds for miles before falling. Germination rates are low, so twice as many spores are released in hopes of creating more Mysela Stalks. They have several distinctive features that include a wide, and deep reservoir of rainwater that collects in the center of the mushrooms cap, and the wavy, cattail like glowing antennae that grow from the bottom of said reservoir. The purpose of these antennae isn't that well known yet. However, a fun thing to do while on top of one of these colossal pseudo-trees is to take a dip in the pool of water that collects in these shrooms after a rainstorm! They make fantastic pools as long as they're cleaned out beforehand.

Mysela Stalks, in theory, can be eaten when they're young enough and there's superstitions around them that if you eat juvenile Myselas when you're young, you'll grow taller as an adult. They taste pleasantly buttery with a nutty after tone, and the taste enhances with a bit of pan-frying. The cap however is tough and rubbery and cannot be eaten without being stewed for hours.

Both stalk and cap produce a thin, runny sap in the color of its bioluminescence that must be drained properly before consumption, as its incredibly, nearly tongue-shrivelingly bitter. It's non toxic, but horridly untasty. The sap can be harvested from adult trees in moderation to create natural glowing lights that simply need exposure to some level of light to recharge. They come in colors of Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, and rarely, Red and Purple.





Can I grow them?
You simply don't have the space to facilitate the growth of these large shrooms!

Can I eat them?
You can! This is detailed above in the description.


Difficulty Growing: ★★★★★
Difficult Harvesting: ★★★★☆