Ghost Shroom


Approximate size: About the same size of an average mushroom
Seasonal Growth: Spring-Autumn

First mentions of these mushrooms could be found in old books where they were said to magically appear during the night and the intensity of their luminosity is supposedly connected with the phases of the moon. Only recent discoveries made it possible to put an end to a legendary nature of this elusive plant. The truth is that during the day these mushrooms spontaneously turn transparent, which, connected with their rarity and ordinarily slender dimensions makes them especially easy to overlook for average mushroom-hunters who forage in daylight. Only under the darkness of the night one can easily spot their location, however, who would want to wander through the gloomy forest to harvest them?


Can I grow them?
Currently not much is known on how to grow them.

Can I eat them?
Yes, you can. They are said to have a very refreshing and light taste, so it takes a skill to not make the flavour vanish in the dish.


Difficulty Growing: ★★★★☆
Difficult Harvesting: ★★★☆☆