Zingy Berries

General Plantlife

Approximate size: Real-world grapes
Seasonal Growth: Spring to Summer

These colorful berries cover vines growing around Whistler Crest, and can grow just about anywhere with an ample amount of sunlight. While they seem easy to tend to, zingy berry vines can get out of hand and take up an entire garden if you're not careful! Though they have a very candy-like appearance, the unsuspecting Draken or Nyulop can end up with puckered lips if they pop one of these in their mouth carelessly!


Can I grow them?
Yes you can! But be wary, they're a vine like plant, so they can grow out of control easily if left unattended!

Can I eat them?
You can! They have the crisp texture of grapes, but always taste like the tiny sour candies. Their sourness has quite a kick to it, making it difficult to eat more than just a few at a time.

Difficulty Growing: ★★☆☆☆

Difficult Harvesting: ★☆☆☆☆