


Known Creature Details




Pronounced: Puff-kin
Singular: Pufkin | Plural: Pufkins
Pufkins are small mammalian creatures known to inhabit forest floors. They are not very large, not very fast, but extremely resilient. They have bodies which can withstand incredible amounts of pressure and are known to thrive in any temperature or weather conditions. They have small, round bodies, and have been described as being very "plush". They live in small groups called snuggles, which usually consist of whole extended families. Large communities of Pufkins are referred to as cuddle parties. The largest documented community of Pufkins was clocked in at over 100 individuals. They are social creatures and prefer to be around others. They're known for being extremely affectionate, even in the wild, and appear to have no fear of larger creatures. They have often been called courageous as they will not back down, regardless of the aggression shown to them. They are known to make excellent pets and are extremely loyal when cared for with love and affection.
Pufkins are not very large, rounded and feature prominent and distinct plant-like antenna on their heads. These antenna mimic various types of leaves in order to help the pufkin blend into its surroundings. They can shed and lose their antenna painlessly and will grow them back at an extremely fast rate. Pufkin are rarely seen without their antenna.

Body Types

Pufkins come in one of four known varieties. The most common being referred to as smooth coats (or standards), soft coats, woolly coats and scaly coats. Smooth and soft are commonly seen being kept as pets as they acclimate well to the indoors. Woolly prefer being outside and require a lot of time in the sun. Scaly enjoy swimming and tend to be found near water.
A new discovery has been made!


In the winter of 2019 it was discovered and documented that Pufkin appear to change yearly depending on the impact of their environment.
Pufkin discovered in 2018 appear as described above, but Pufkin discovered in 2019 appear with spines and horns. It is believed that their connection to the world of the Spirits has impacted their appearance negatively due to the turmoil of 2019.
Future changes in Pufkins will be documented.

Colours and Markings

Pufkins from the Whistler Crest area are found predominantly in soft pastel pinks and greens. They normally have either markingless pelts, or feature simple spots and stripes, occasionally with larger markings like their entire underbelly.
Scales on the bodies must match their leaves. Their paw pads may be any colour/hue/tint found on their palette. So a darker pink can be used thanks to the soft pink palette.
2019 Pufkins must have dark grey spines and horns, with no visible plants, but their bodies can be the same colour/pattern as their 2018 predecessors.

Breeding and Life Cycle

Pufkins have extremely long lifespans, despite growing very fast through their first two stages of life. Eggs are laid in clutches of 2-5 and are referred to as "seeds". The infant Pufkins are referred to as "buds," and during this stage the baby Pufkin will start to sprout their trademark fauna-like antenna or quills. Adult Pufkins are referred to as "blooms". Pufkins are known to breed for life, so once a mating pair is established, they remain together and produce families. Shown to the side, you can see an example of a Pufkin seed, bud and bloom!


Pufkins are herbivores, meaning they feed entirely on plants, which is why they are known to make their habitats in heavily wooded and green areas. During the winter they feed on tree bark and roots, as well as feasting on any plant-life they can find, including moss. They do not require a large sum of food as they are not very active creatures and they tend to conserve energy by sleeping...a lot.

Skills and Abilities

As stated above, pufkins are extremely resilient and capable of living in the harshest environments, meaning they are found all over the globe. They are known to be able to withstand extreme levels of pressure making it possible for them to squeeze their bodies under heavy objects. They have loud and high pitched squeaks and chirps which can be heard for miles despite their diminutive size. Pufkins make for excellent pets, but can be hard to come by!

The 2019 Variant

Pufkins found in 2019 appear to have been drastically changed by the turmoil of the Spirit realm. Rather than having their traditional foliage antenna, they now have a thick bed of quills lining their backs and tails, as well as a pair of small horns above their eyes. They appear to be slightly...feistier than their 2018 counterparts. Handle with care!