Heart Betta



Known Creature Details



Heart Bettas

Pronounced: Hart Bet-tah
Female: Kisses | Male: Hugs | Baby: Squishes
Heart Bettas are a peculiar type of fish seen swimming through the nearby lake and river ways around the month of February. They appear as suddenly as they vanish, seemingly migrating through, even thought many of the Whistler Crest bodies of water are landlocked. Because of their timely arrival, these fish have been heavily associated with Heartsgiving, and a tradition has arisen which sees these fish being given as gifts to cherished loved ones. Because of this, these fish are often found kept as pets.

A Social Fish

Heart Bettas are social fish and are safe to keep together in the same tank. They are not known to have any aggressive tendencies. In fact, it is believed that Heart Bettas enjoy and even crave the company of other Heart Bettas. Some even propose the idea they enjoy the company of any other creatures. They thrive in environments where they have others to interact with.

Varieties and Appearances

Heart Bettas are known to be very colourful fish. Their bodies always comprise of at least two gradient colours, with no more than four combined colours having been documented. On top of these iridescent scales, Heart Bettas may have simple designs and patterns, with things such as splotches, spots and stripes. These markings are commonly white and black, although they may consist of other colours, but these colours are always solid.
They are known to have a wide variety of eye colours with both eyes always matching.
A distinct feature of the Heart Bettas is the characteristic heart-shaped split in their dorsal fins and the heart-shaped tips of their long whiskers. These features are what has given the Heart Bettas their name. Their entire bodies have large frills which make them look very beautiful when swimming about.

Keeping and Caring For Your Fish

Heart Bettas should be kept in clean and well maintained bowls and tanks. As they are freshwater fish, consideration should be given to their needs, and you can acquire the necessary bowls and tanks in town. These fish are very easy to keep as they feed on standard fish food, which can be purchased from the local pet shop. They are especially fond of ground up fruit...particularly Heart's Desire!

Oceanic Form

Every January, Heart Betta migrate from the rivers of the Isle of Xaaida across the ocean to the mainland of Kladeon in order to seek out a place to spawn. The fish arrive by the time of Heartsgiving to breed. At the end of Heartsgiving, they seemingly disappear as they make their journey back to Xaaida to return just in time for the first thaw in the Spring. Before migration, the fish eat plenty of food and absorb mana to change form. The bettas take on a bigger, more dangerous form, growing a uniquely shaped horn and longer whiskers, along with the large heart shaped marking on their forehead and arrow-like lines that run down their sides. All wild bettas have these features during their migration, though they retain their original colors and other patterns, along with growing to about twice their size. The Bettas become more aggressive in order to survive as they migrate across the ocean. As they reach the rivers of Xaaida, Islanders catch glimpses of the fishes' more monstrous forms as they return to the lakes they spend the rest of the year living as their usual, small forms. The cycle repeats in January again, when the fish take their oceanic forms once more to migrate back across the ocean.
Those who live on the mainland of Kladeon have never seen the bettas' oceanic forms... The Heart Bettas seemingly appear from nowhere and vanish into thin air when Heartsgiving ends.
When in captivity, Heart Bettas no longer transform into their ocean forms. It's unknown why this happens.