Glitter Bugs



Known Creature Details


Glitter Bugs


Alternatively known as "Glitter Bombs," these insects are flightless and prefer to crawl and jump. They have very strong legs which they use to scurry fast or spring multiple times in rapid succession. They can also dig their powerful little legs down to steady themselves and blast a foul-tasting powder from their abdomen! If the lower, transparent portion of the insect's abdomen is full of glittery fluid then it can pack a powerful blast! Normally they can spew three or four clouds of glitter before they run empty and need to find minerals to ingest to refill. Their glittery puffs are non-toxic but are used to ward off potential predators. It is heavily recommend that you do not approach these insects from behind. Their highly sensitive antenna will notice you!


Click the image of the various colours to enlarge them!
If they're feel particularly aggressive, the same pressurized fluid that they convert into blasts of glittery powder can be pushed up into their antenna, producing sparks of electricity.

Males come in blues, greens and purples, while the females come in reds, oranges and yellows.