


Known Creature Details




These creatures are small enough to fit into your palm and only grow to be about seven inches long at their longest. They are never a single colour, always appearing as a gradient of multiple colours. They are categorized by what colours they are. Warm coloured worms have pinks, reds, oranges and yellows, while Cool coloured worms have purples, indigos, blues and greens. They are nontoxic but they aren't traditionally used as a food substitute. They can't be easily digested except by animals who have evolved stomachs to do so.
Their bright colours are used to ward off predators. Considering their alluring appearance, many young critters shove these creatures into their mouths only to be met with an absolutely horrible sour dirt. If you cut one of these worms up (WHY WOULD YOU!?) the pieces will form into full worms in under an hour.