Royal Cicadas



Known Creature Details


Royal Cicadas


Royal cicadas, alternatively known as fire starters, are a very colourful species that get their names from their vibrant blue and gold markings. Traditionally, such bright colours were incredibly expensive to acquire, so those who could afford such luxuries were typically of the royal class A royal cicada's lifespan is about 20-25 years. Contrary to popular belief, these bugs do not hibernate for years on end. Instead, this time is mostly spent underground until they emerge for a few months to shed their shells, breed, and lay eggs. Royal cicadas are musical creatures, and are easily located in late summer due to the cacophony of chirps they emit. Campers and explorers alike eagerly gather around during the cicadas' mating season to watch them dance around each other, as these dances can be quite complex and mesmerizing. Watch out if you set up camp late at night. These bugs are heat sensitive, and you may find yourself with some very noisy guests if you decide to warm yourself by the fire!
The iridescent shells left behind when the cicadas molt sparkle in the light and have been known to be a great replacement for kindle wood when you're in a pinch! Hence their nickname!