Elys Bees


Known Creature Details

Elys Bees


Elys bees are non-aggressive in nature but still considered to be extremely dangerous when encountered. They're one of the few species in the world able to actively pollinate Moonsplitter flowers, which are known to be incredibly poisonous. The pollen would normally be very harmful for the bees to consume and process into honey, as the pollen itself is poisonous, but they have a specialized internal structure and an incredibly unique liver-like organ which serves the sole purpose of filtering the pollen into a slightly less harmful and usable product. The honey it creates is not toxic within reasonable consumption, of course, but as a byproduct of its toxic origins, it is highly hallucinogenic when ingested.
The purple clumps gathered around these bee's knees are pollen baskets filled to the brim with the noxious pollen of the Moonsplitter flower.