Crested Wistol



Known Creature Details


Crested Wistol

Pronounced: Wiss-toll
Female & Male: Crested Wistol
Infant: Wyas
Crested Wistol are large birds that are mainly known to be messengers. The difference between the male and female Wistols are their head feathers: males have a notch in them and longer feathers beneath their eyes, while females are the opposite with round head feathers and shorter feathers beneath their eyes. Many Wistols come in blues and dull purples, with a white chest and darker spots along their chest. Wistols also have a gradient on their beak that match the color of their head feathers.



The Crested Wistol breeding season takes place during the spring season; males will gift their desired partners with one of their feathers and if said partner is to accept they become mates for that season. Some Wistols will stay mates throughout their years while others will move on. Females tend to lay clutches of 2-4 eggs and will spend most of the time keeping them warm while they depend on someone else to gather food for them; if a mother is to leave their eggs during this process it’s only because they’re desperate.
Before they hatch, each Wyas’ egg are given a feather from their mothers as a gift to their young; because of this it’s easy to tell who the parents of these eggs are. Wyas’ are born with soft down feathers and a gray coat. Their head feathers are short and stumpy and have yet to grow along with the feathers that are connected under their eyes. Wyas' legs are also very stumpy at a young age and because of that they tend to fall over and stumble over things.


Being carnivores, the Crested Wistol enjoys eating any sort of bugs they can find. Prismaworms are the easiest insect to feed them, however they will also eat any type of fish that is offered to them. Wistols also enjoy eating Battles but those are much harder to find. They will eat non-stop if permitted so it’s advised to keep an eye on what your Wistol is trying to eat.

Abilities and Skills

Crested Wistols are known for their keen sight, fast speed, and their intelligence. Wistols are strong fliers and can withstand flying very close to the sea, can fly many miles within a short timespan, and lastly they can easily memorize a flight path; many Wistols are messengers because of these skills. However training a Wistol to become messenger birds requires some patience. Despite being quick learners, Wistols are large birds and have high needs and depend upon their owner to take care of them.