


Known Creature Details



Pronunciation: Ham-min
Plural: Hammi
The Hammin species are squishy fishy like creatures. They cause no harm despite their fangs and are able to breathe on land or in water. Seen as goofy and rather laughable, many do not know how to feel about them other than not to take them too seriously...



There is no main variation of the Hammi. They are a brown color with a tan/light brown underbelly. Many are known to have darker brown spots on the top half but it isn't uncommon for them to appear with no spots. The browns on their bodies may vary, but not too much.


Many are confused about the diet of Hammi. Mainly due to the fact that they just eat rocks. Just normal plain rocks. They do not chew the rocks but rather swallow them whole. Why.


Hammin bonded with a person does not offer any real benefits, but it is said that the few who are closer to their Hammin feel more inspiration for poetry and songs. Often times writers are taken away and find their partner's life-trance like state very carefree, especially with how little worries they seem to have.