


Known Creature Details



Pronunciation: Straw-bird
Single: Strahbyrd | Plural: Strahbyrds
Female: Zip | Male: Buzz | Young: Flutter
Group: Donor
Strahbyrds are small brown birds with long, thin beaks that live all over Kladeon. They're widely considered pests and are generally not well-liked. They're active almost year-round, only vanishing during the winter months. It seems they migrate during this time to warmer climates. Strahbyrds are social creatures and are found in donors ranging from 5 to 50 birds. The donor moves together and feeds together during the night, tending to flock around one single plant or group of plants. This behavior is commonly referred to as bloodletting.




Male and female Strahbyrds exhibit differing characteristics between the two sexes. Of the two, buzzes are slightly smaller than zips, about half a head shorter. Zips' wings are also dark-tipped on the primaries.


Strahbyrds typically feed on fruits and nectars, high energy foods that keep them going. They also may feed on sweeter vegetables. Their favorite fruit seems to be Twin Moon Pods, and the blue glow can easily draw the birds to them. The birds may also eat small insects.



Spring is nesting season for Strahbyrds, allowing their young plenty of time to grow before winter. Nests are built in small, hidden crevices, and two eggs are laid at a time. Flutters are fed small insects and liquified fruit.


There is one word often used to describe Strahbyrds: pests. Their love of fruit often draws them to farmers' crops, and if a bloodletting is not prevented or stopped, many of the fruit can be damaged. Strahbyrds feed by puncturing the skin of the fruit or vegetable and spitting their saliva inside to break down the fruit and make it liquid enough to be sucked up. Tough skinned plants give them trouble, and they can't feed on things such as King's Head melons, but they will readily feed on other fruits. Nets, keeping plants inside, or animals to guard crops are just a few of the ways to control Strahbyrds. The birds also have an attraction to light and can be drawn away from plants by brighter lights. Their rather large eyes, meant for seeing in the night, the time where they are active, can lead to them be stunned by too bright of lights.