Winter's Cold

Seasonal House

Can be joined by characters.

For those who are currently in Winter's Cold, or used to live there!
About The House:

Winter’s Cold is the house for any studious Draken and Nyulop seeking a quiet place to study. The house is often very peaceful, quiet and still. Most of the occupants like to spend time in the reading room, library or their own rooms, with their noses between the pages of a good book. House Master, Carina, encourage these sorts of academic pursuits. Winter’s Cold houses tenants whom focus heavily on the pursuit of knowledge, those who seek to understand more, and knowing the world around them in as much detail as possible. A large part of what Winter House teaches is the reading of weather patterns and signs, mapping stars in charts and documenting findings for future use.

Key Points About Winter’s Cold:

• Studying, reading and learning weather patterns so people can predict the weather 
• Studying, reading and mapping stars so they can use the sky to travel 
• Documenting and recording findings to help future Whistler Crest residence 
• Focusing on academic pursuits 


Faction Ranks



NPC-003: Carina

Member Ranks

Tumultuous Blizzard: One of Housemaster Carina's closest helpers! These members help the Winter's Cold household run smoothly and efficiently. (150 Standing)
Frigid Icestorm (75 Standing)
Blustery Snowfall (50 Standing)
Quiet Flurry (25 Standing)
Frost (0 Standing)

Members: 17 ・ See All

Associated Location