Spring Leaf

Seasonal House

Can be joined by characters.

For those who are currently in Spring Leaf, or used to live there!
About The House:

Spring Leaf is the type of house that caters best to those who want to train their bodies as much as their minds. Strength and endurance is key to being the very best Draken and Nyulop you can be! And especially so if you can then use that strength and endurance to help build and create things for all of Whistler Crest to use. If you’re creative and enjoy hands on working, then Spring Leaf is for you, because this is exactly the place that nurtures that type of growth. Whether you’re working out or working on a project, you can bet Spring Leaf’s the house that’ll best meet your needs.

Key Points About Spring Leaf:

• Thinks there's importance in building physical strength and endurance 
• Importance of using that strength to help build and create new things to help the residence of Whistler Crest 
• Training creative thinking and problem solving skills 
• Knowing the importance of self growth as much as external growth 
Faction Ranks



NPC-004: Vac

Member Ranks

Mighty Oak: One of Housemaster Vac's closest helpers! These members help the Spring Leaf household run smoothly and efficiently. (150 Standing)
Strong Sapling (75 Standing)
Brave Sprout (50 Standing)
Little Bud (25 Standing)
Seed (0 Standing)

Members: 8 ・ See All

Associated Location