Brin Burn


Brin Burn

Level of Severity: Tier 1
Susceptible Species: Draken
Susceptible Ages: All age


Signs and Symptoms

• Excessive scratching or extreme itchiness around the body
• Scales pushed upward, no longer flush with the rest of the Draken's scales
• Discoloration of scales around the afflicted areas along with a terrible burning sensation when touched
• Little brownish bugs moving across the skin, or hiding underneath the scales




Brin Burn is an infection that can be caused when a Draken is inflicted with Brin Louses, tiny bugs that hide under a draken’s scales that suck their blood. Brin Louses can hide under a Draken’s scales quite easily, and remain undetected until they have drunken their fill and balloon up. When this happens, they no longer fit under the scale properly, and push up the scales they were hiding underneath. These bugs can be picked off the scale once they balloon up, and removed before they reproduce and multiply. However, if left unattended, even if the knits are gone, the rash left behind can spread and worsen over time. The afflicted Draken may experience a burning sensation if they try to touch it, making the whole ordeal quite painful.

Associated Prompt