Incumare Syndrome


Incumare Syndrome

Level of Severity: Tier 1
Susceptible Species: Draken, Nyulop
Susceptible Ages: All Age


Signs and Symptoms

Individuals suffering from Incumare Syndrome will fall into a deep sleep from which they seem unable to wake. They will toss and turn restlessly, make sounds of discomfort and pain, and may even lash out and yell while asleep. Sufferers are known to sleep talk while afflicted, often times calling out for help as though they are being attacked by some unknown entity, leading many to believe that the sufferer is being attacked by some malevolent entity.

Sufferers may sweat profusely, tremble, fidget and even groan. Their faces may contort into expressions of anger or fear, but their eyes will remain tightly closed. It is possible to see their eyes darting around beneath their eyelids, indicating their brains are active and they will seem as though they are having a frightful dream.

It becomes impossible to wake a sufferer from their dreams should Incumare Syndrome take full affect. No matter the attempts made, the sufferer will not awaken from their dreams. They should be taken to see a professional right away




Individuals suffering from Incumare Syndrome do not immediately fall into an unending sleep. They show symptoms of what has been called "the oppression stage," during which they become fatigued and sluggish. Heavy bags may appear under their eyes and they will slowly lose their appetite. They will begin sleeping more and more, with each nap taking longer and longer. Once they begin sleeping more hours of the day than they are awake they will be close to succumbing to the never ending sleep. Once they fall asleep and the Incumare Syndrome takes on fully they will start to suffer what has been recounted as being "the worst dreams imaginable." Despite being described as horrendous and horrific...sufferers can never recall the details of their dreams...or nightmares.