


Level of Severity: Tier 2
Susceptible Species: Draken, Nyulop
Susceptible Ages: Teenagers, Adults


Signs and Symptoms


Tollywobbles may sound like a fun time really isn't. Suffers from this affliction experience extreme levels of tension in their limbs. This tension causes the entire extremity to seize up so tightly that you can't bend your fingers or wiggle your toes. In fact, many have compared Tollywobbles to suddenly having plastic or solid limb that can't be properly moved. It can become intensely painful or entirely numb.

This illness tends to afflict teenagers and young adults during growth stages. It is believed to be caused by the sudden presence of mana flowing freely through the body and the influx of Amelio Phenomena which may occur. All these drastic changes can induce Tollywobbles, especially if the sufferer is prone to poor eating and sleeping habits. The condition is exacerbated by preexisting anxiety and stress.

If left untreated, Tollywobbles can overtake all of the sufferer's limbs, rendering them immobile and defenseless. However, at any stage, Tollywobbles is curable




Tollywobbles is a slow-acting illness. It feeds off the body's preexisting fatigue and stress and slowly starts by causing tingling sensations in either the fingers and or toes. This is often ignored despite being a common early sign of the illness. If left untreated the afflicted limbs will grow heavier and colder until they suddenly tense up and are unable to be moved.

Associated Prompt