


Level of Severity: Tier 2
Susceptible Species: Draken, Nyulop
Susceptible Ages: Children


Signs and Symptoms


As the common name says, this inffection makes their tongue itch as the first symptom. A few hours later, it happens to evolve to little rashes that look like pimples on their tongues. The rashes, when fully evolved not only itch but also aches when touched, making it hard for the children to eat and talk. It also makes their breath smell bad and irritates their eyes making their sclera acquire a reddish tone.

Rashiliasis is an infection caused by a bacteria via saliva, contamination usually happens when kids share the same cup of water or food and one of them is infected. The first stage (when there's no rashes) is harmless, but when the pimples start to grow it becomes more dangerous, since the infected draken or nyulop starts to eat less due to the pain. If they refuse to eat for a long time, it can cause severe weakness due to lack of food.




If left untreated, the pimples only get worse making it harder and harder to eat and even drink water.